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Bush Tucker, Kunawarritji


Students in the K-5 class along with the high school students of Kunawarritji campus have been looking at the Bush Tucker available in their country.

A bush planner created with the local members of the community, Martu teachers and students help to identify what we know, what we want to know and what we learnt.

Led by Martu elders and teaching staff we searched for bush tucker such as Lungki (commonly known as the witchetty grub) the larvae of Xyleutes biarpiti, a large grey moth of the Cossidae family. The grub phase of their life cycle lives in the roots of local plants such as the Acacia species, kempeana.

We also searched for and located minyarra (bush onions) on Lake Auld, jinjiwirrily (desert raisins ) and warmula (bush tomato).

Students used the 5-W’s as a structure for recounting our camping trip,


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