The Kunawarritji Primary class would like to give you an update on what we have been busy learning out On-Country. We had a meeting at school with the community to complete our Term 3 bush planner, and it was decided that our focus this term would be bush foods and medicine.
So far, we have found lots of wama, wamala and jinyjiwirrilypa plants – which are finally ripening and ready to eat!
Back in the classroom we have really enjoyed sorting and classifying cuttings as well as studying them under microscopes and magnifying glasses. We have been practicing our recounting and writing skills and are currently working on a class book.
Completing our bush planner.
Zuzanna enjoying some nectar from a wama flower.
Zeanna with a jinyjiwirrilypa fruit.
Emelda, Jasmine and Larissa digging for Lungki.
Examining the cuttings with magnifying glasses.
Melissa helping us to establish what we already know and what we want to find out about bush foods and medicine.